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Escola Valldeflors 


The school is one of the two primary and infant education schools in Tremp.  Tremp is the capital city of the Pallars Jussà, there are 5.824 people living there. The major economic activity is agriculture but stockbreeding is also very important. 

In the There are classes from P3 to 6th level of Primary, each level has got two classes except for 5th grade which has got three classes. There are many reading corners spread across the school in which the students can chill and read, we can also find some tables and materials to work manipulative maths in split groups in the corridors because every space in the school is an educative place.  There is also a language classroom and a laboratory/robotics class. school there are 411 children, 290 in Primary and 121 in Infant Education. 

In the school there are many projects as Pla Català de l'Esport, Pallars Lector, Generació Plurilingüe and Robotics, and some projects stemed from it,  from 3rd to 6th grade. 

But to understand it better, why don't you listen to one of our students? 

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